About me

*Para Espanol


Shaman Flavio Moy, CRP

Initiated Pampamisayoq, Altomisayoq Shaman / Transpersonal Therapist

Peru, Q’ero Initiated Shaman: Pampamisayoq, Altomisayoq. Certified Transpersonal Therapist/Counselor; Bachelors in Mass Communications-Psychology, FIU. Mysticism Degree, AMORC. Active member of the International Association for Jungian Studies (IAJS) and American Counseling Association (ACA). Certified Life Coach, American Shamanic Association (ASA). Licensed Crystal Dreaming Specialist. Certified Reiki Master.

My story in one paragraph:

My awakening began in 2007. I hold a degree in Mass Communications-Psychology from Florida International University. During my time in school, I financed my education by investing in real estate, which eventually led to my success in that field. However, everything changed when I visited Machu Picchu. There, I had a transformative experience known as “The Serpent of Light” (Amaru) that awakened me to the need for a profound life shift. Within two months, I relocated to Thailand to immerse myself in the study of Buddhism. Nine months later, I found myself back in the Andes, being initiated by a Shaman in a cave near the Saqsaywaman Complex. This initiation marked a turning point in my life, leading to further initiations and training as a healer. Today, many years later, I am a 9 time Initiated Pampamisayoq and Altomisayoq Shaman and a Certified Transpersonal Therapist.



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